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Nilandi Marketplace Refund Policy

Nilandi Marketplace Refund Policy covers transactions on www.nilandi.com. It means buyers can get their money back if an item didn't arrive, is faulty or damaged, or doesn't match the listing.
For all the details of how Nilandi Marketplace Refund Policy works – what's covered, what's excluded, and what buyers and sellers need to do – please read our full policy.

Coverage, eligibility requirements, and exclusions
Nilandi Marketplace Refund Policy applies when:
•    The buyer doesn’t receive an item 
•    The item received by the buyer doesn’t match the listing, for example: 
    The seller sent the wrong item, or 
    The item arrived broken, damaged or faulty
•    The seller doesn’t fulfil their return policy as stated in the listing
As a buyer, for your transaction to be eligible for the Nilandi Marketplace Refund Policy: 
•    You must complete the purchase on Nilandi.com using an eligible payment method at the checkout;
•    You must meet the requirements specified in this policy, including taking action within the time frames;
•    The item must not be an excluded item or subject to additional exclusions; and
•    You must not seek resolution for the same issue using another resolution method

As a seller, for transactions where Nilandi Refund Policy applies: 
•    You are responsible for delivering the item that was described in the listing, honoring your stated return policy, and providing a resolution when a buyer reports a problem with an order
•    If the purchase was completed on Nilandi.com, you must meet the requirements 
specified in this policy, including taking action within the required time frames