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How to Make Money: The 88 Steps to Get Rich and Find Success

How to Make Money: The 88 Steps to Get Rich and Find Success


Felix Dennis is one of Britain's wealthiest self-made entrepreneurs with an estimated fortune of £500 million. And he didn't get there simply by reading about how to get rich. He went out and did it. 

Appreciating that those intent on becoming rich will not have the time or inclination to read page upon page of guidance and advice on the subject, Felix Dennis has reduced his own business wisdom to 88 tenets of wealth-generation, all written in his inimitable style.

How to Make Money is for those determined to get rich, for those who will not confuse reading with doing, for those who seek the narrow road. (First published in hardback as 88 The Narrow Road.)




  • Publisher: Ebury Digital (30 November 2011)
  • Language: English
  • Print length: 274 pages

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